Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Haunted train tracks story

At 3AM a group of friends were slowly walking down train tracks that people said were haunted but they didn't believe it but they kept hearing train noises like rusted train wheels sliding down the track and they felt like they were being watched by a hungry cheater ready to pounce at any moment. As they got further and further into the darkness the sounds got louder, having no idea where they are worried they will never find the end, hours go passed but it feels like days have have been and gone, they all look at their phones and not a minute has gone passed they all get really confused

suddenly out of nowhere they see smoke slowly drifting away in the sky they try to follow and see where it is and see if there is anyone else out

there. They get closer and closer. They are all saying to each other I hear it. I hear the train, they start to run but slowly release the sound it's

coming from in front of them coming from behind! The lights start to flicker and then once they are running one of the friends look down and see huge

paw prints and look to the side and see glowing eyes coming from the

darkness and then figure out its cheaters as well.They train speeds up they

think this is the end for them the rain is just meters behind they feel a push

of air push past them and then the train just vanishes in thin air, they feel so

realize that it's over and then remember that the cheaters are still there

suddenly one with blood red eyes creeps up on all of them and roars at 

the top of its lungs they run to the house with smoke going out of the

chimney and lock the door straight away everyone was breathing really

heavily until they hear yelling coming from the train tracks, no one can hear

was they said so they all got closer to the door and they heard 

Suddenly the person that was dreaming about this story (their name is Akimano) woke up straight away and heard their mum screaming out to them saying that wake up it's time for breakfast today we are having sushi.  

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